You might be surprised how affordable a Broadwater Education can be!
Awards by Household Income
A Broadwater education can be made possible in many ways!
Base Tuition 2025-2026
Tuition Includes the security fee and technology fee. It also includes field trips for students enrolling in PK-Grade 8.
Pre- K Program (Full-Time) - $7,600
State-Licensed Daycare Eligible for the childcare tax credit.
Kindergarten - $9,700
Grade 1 - Grade 4 - $11,750
Grade 5 - Grade 8 - $13,850
Grade 9 - Grade 10 - $16,450
Grade 11 - Grade 12 - $17,250
Tuition for Grade 11 - Grade 12- includes Dual Enrollment Fees and tuition for College Credit at a Discounted Rate
Investing in your child's education is a commitment by your family to your student's life. We honor the partnership you share with us. All issues surrounding tuition and tuition assistance are held in the strictest of confidence. That said, we welcome open dialogue among you, the Director of Enrollment Management, Accounts Manager and the Head of School.