Broadwater Academy offers a wide and varied range of opportunities for partnerships throughout the year.
When you become a Broadwater Academy Annual Partner, you join our growing community of partners working together to make the Eastern Shore an even better place to work, play, live… and learn.
The Broadwater Academy community is an influential collection of business and community leaders on the ESVA and beyond. They are a demographic you wish to have in your pipeline in support of your business efforts. The rising tide lifts all boats and improving the quality of life for all on the Eastern Shore will serve your business needs and secure Broadwater into the future!
We value our relationships with our sponsorship partners and are committed to promoting them within our community of students, teachers, parents, grandparents, alumni, event participants, and beyond. The larger Broadwater community is an influential network of thinkers, doers, and discerning decision-makers with broad reach and purchasing power.
This is a great marketing opportunity you do not want to miss!
Broadwater Academy has an almost 60-year legacy of being the premier educational institution on the Eastern Shore of Virginia and is a trusted partner of many families and businesses. We look forward to building a strong partnership with you.
Please note that Partnership Agreements are effective for one school year, (July 1 – June 30).
Current sponsors are offered the first right of refusal for renewal before the start of a new sponsorship year.