legacy giving

What would you like your legacy to be?

Legacy giving provides an opportunity for donors to make provisions for the support of Broadwater Academy through a planned/deferred gift. Planned gifts may be made through a will or trust and enable you to make a major gift to Broadwater while preserving your assets during your lifetime. A gift through your estate can provide significant support to the school and also reduce your estate tax liability. Methods of planned giving may be tailored to suit your needs and may include trusts, life insurance, real estate, charitable trusts, bequests or retirement plan assets.

You planned gift of $100,000 or more could create a new named scholarship or endowment in your (or a loved one’s) name. Now THAT’S a legacy!

Bequests in Estate Planning

Please use the form below to let us know that you already have included Broadwater Academy in your estate plan. If you would like a gift planning consultation, please contact the Development Office at development@broadwateracademy.org or 757-442-9041.

  • Legal name: Broadwater Academy

  • Tax identification number (TIN): 54-0799130

Bequest Language to Consider

Please consult your attorney and/or financial advisor. You may also contact Broadwater to work with you and your legal advisors regarding the wording of your specific bequest.


Unrestricted Bequest

I give, devise and bequeath (describe dollar amount, property to be given, or proportion of residuary estate) to the Broadwater Academy, located in Exmore, Virginia, for its general educational and charitable purposes.


Restricted Bequest for Student Financial Aid

To create a named fund - $100,000 minimum

I give, devise and bequeath (describe dollar amount, property to be given, or proportion of residuary estate) to Broadwater Academy, located in Exmore, Virginia to establish the (name of fund) Scholarship Fund, the net income from which, determined under applicable Academy policy, shall be used to provide financial aid to deserving students.


Bequest for Endowment

To create a named fund - $100,000 minimum

I give, devise and bequeath (describe dollar amount, property to be given, or proportion of residuary estate) to Broadwater Academy, located in Exmore, Virginia, to establish the (name of fund) Fund, to be held as a permanent fund constituting part of Broadwater’s general endowment funds. The principal of said fund may be invested in common with other funds of like character, provided that the identity of said fund shall be preserved at all times. Net income from said fund, as determined under applicable Academy policy, shall be used for general educational and charitable purposes (or for support of need and/or merit-based scholarships, academic excellence, athletics, capital priorities, etc.).